Chronicles of Ennui

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

'War of the Worlds' Even If Without that.. First.. Part..

Taken on the set of 'War of the Worlds' shortly after Tom refused his fellow actors their anti-psychotics.
I just saw War of the Worlds (Look! I just plugged the film one time more than Tom Cruise ever did!) tonight... the only time that Tom Cruise has or will be likable for months. It was a Spielberg film, pure and simple... Except, for those of you who have seen it, Tripp brought up a very serious question: if all of the power and electronics in the area had gone out (which they were so bent on proving), how was that guy's camcorder still working?.. I'm taking this one up with Spielberg himself. Way to let continuity slip all for a semi-cool, 5 second visual.

Here's another quirky tidbit for you: the scene toward the beginning where Tom's character was attempting to persuade his friend, Manny, to get into the van... did anyone else notice that it was eerily similiar to the Matt Lauer interview from 'The Today Show'?

'War of the Worlds': "Manny, Manny, Manny... just shutup... Get in... Manny, Manny, Manny, Manny..." (and lots of overtalk)

'The Today Show': "Matt, Matt, Matt... You're glib... You don't know - I do. Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt, Matt.." (and lots of overtalk; but at least Matt Lauer didn't get utterly vaporized afterward... with the exception, maybe, of a few brain cells)

By the way... that's the funniest image of a person getting vaporized. Ever.

Just one more... I don't get the title... Even now. I hate to spoil the movie, but I didn't catch much warring going on. It looked more like Tom Cruise running away from giant, killer robots to me. A smelly-looking Robbins even manages to sneak the line "This is not a war! This is an extermination!" into the film at one point... He may have been crazy, but he makes a fine point. This, of course, caused me to turn to my fellow movie-watcher and raise the question "Then why is it called 'War of the Worlds'?" Way to make the title of the movie deceptive and meaningless.

The movie managed to prove one simple fact: Spielberg is indeed a sucker for a happy ending. He defied all logic and likelihood in order to give audiences that warm, tingly feeling. He truly is the king of all that is good and fuzzy.

I have to say that I loved the beginning. It starts out with a tone perfectly remnant of old, alien horror flicks, or any episode of 'The Twilight Zone'. Morgan Freeman's voice was chilling. The movie was like an unbalanced see-saw, with all of the weight placed on the first half... but I expected the heart-warming mushiness from Spielberg; it's almost a necessity now.

I just realized that "Way to..." is my favorite expression to use.


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