Chronicles of Ennui

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


...has been cancelled. The funniest show on T.V.: cancelled. Fuck. Fuck. FUCK.

Here are just a few things we're having to say goodbye to....

Here's what David Cross has to say about all this (Thanks for the heads up, Tripper):

IFILM - Viral Videos: David Cross' Fox Rant -

...and here is a link to a "site" that has some information about the show (in case you've never seen it, aka You Suck):

Yes; I just linked you to a Myspace.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Les Horribles

Last Tuesday night, after two weeks of lethargic preparation, the Kent campus Honors French class put on a stage show as a part of the school's 'International Culture Day', held in the campus's auditorium.

The focus of our show was to be the French Revolution--Revolution Francais. The program consisted of a song sung by "Charles Gaultier" followed by two songs sung by "Isabelle", a French poem, "Robespierre", dialogue from "Napoleon" and "Josephine", dialogue from "Louis the 16th" and "Marie Antionette", a spiel about La Marseilles (the French national anthem), and then... the grand finale... La Marseilles sung by the class. Oh dear God; why?

Aside from the fact that we are a college FRENCH class, not a junior high school CHORUS class, we had the added stress of our professor's horrid organizational abilities. No one knew what to do, what to say, where to be, until about 15 minutes before the abomination was scheduled to commence.

Thanks to the powers that be, however, the class includes one talented student: Brian, the gay guy who came from an arts school. A fabulousss friend of mine, and a great singer, Brian saved the day by performing the Charles Gaultier song in all of his gay glory (because as we all know, only gay men can really sing). During the pre-show practice, though the french professor approached Brian with a funny, little, red, felt hat in hand. She said to Brian with a suggestive air, "This is the hat that people wore to show their support for the Revolution; someone needs to wear it during the show", nearby classmates turned and erupted into laughter. Rude--true (Isn't that the American way?), but you'll understand all momentarily. On seeing the cap, and catching the madame's drift, every stylish, gay particle in Brian's body went "Pardon moi?!" and began to scream like a horrified, little girl who just witnessed a kitten get run over... "EEEEEEEK!" was written all over his face. I do believe he began to hyperventilate. For your viewing pleasure:

Apparently Papa Smurf was an avid supporter of the French Revolution

Afterward, "Isabelle" had a song to sing. This was performed by a professional who was invited from outside the class to join in and save the day. It was a lovely piece, and she looked ravishing.

I had one line in this production doomed to failure: "Et maintenant, voici Zoe avec La Marseilles." For this, I ran out onto the empty stage, screwed up a few words very quickly, and ran back into hiding, where the rest of the class waited dreadingly behind scenes for the big moment:

When that moment finally did come the class filed out onto the stage, and I, of course, being as short as I am had to stand directly in front to soak up all of the humiliation. Fuck you, God--Why'd you have to make me into a midget? A French flag was then handed to my friend and I out of nowehere to hold; this causes me to make a sad, confused face, and at that the horrid singing began. The entire song was belted so blatantly off-key and apathetically that I couldn't help but to burst into a fit of uncontollable laughter during one of the failed high-notes. It seems I always find humor in the mortifying events of my life. The audience apparently catches on to the trend as well because (as I caught a quick glimpse of) our professor went ahead and donned the red bonnet herself. Oh dear, Lord... if only eyes doubled as cameras.

In the end, we escaped with our lives, if not with our dignity, and successfully annihilated all the beauty of the french language. It was an event to make even the most patriotic Frenchman vomit on himself to the sound of his own country's anthem, as well as enough to make the madame hate Americans. In fact, I would wager that it is probably the true reason for the rioting in France.

To wrap it up, here's a pic of the final number of La Marseilles:

"Viva la France!"

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

That --it is Bananas

Finally; AOL pulls through. Though it is seemingly on an ongoing quest to kick me offline as often as possible, causes my Internet to run slower than Tara Reid's thought processes, and takes up as much space on my computer as Star Jones' ass (and by that I mean I have at least 40 megabytes of just photographs of her ass--What can I say? Baby got back).... today it totally redeemed itself by presenting to me a pirate story; and you just can't beat a good pirate story.

AOL News - Passengers Describe Thwarted Pirate Attack

'I Could Tell the Guy Firing the Bazooka Was Smiling'

This article could almost be sad if it weren't so ri-goddamn-diculous. I only have one question: where can I join? My life long dream of becoming a pirate is now totally realizable.

...and now, without further ado, I give you: Pirate Deep Throating a Banana.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Trendster Mallrats vs. Trendster Mallrats

So I was on my lunch break the other day and decided to venture out into the mall for food. After purchasing my meal, I mosied over to the furthest corner of the food court, right by the big glass windows that offer a view of the outdoor fountain. As those of you who have been to the Orange Park mall, as well as those of you who have been to any mall at all, know this is the place where the "goth kids" hang out. Safely blended into the indoor lunching public, I amused myself by very obviously observing the goings on of the "freaks" that paraded before me on the other side of the glass. First of all--I'm glad to see that their fashion sense has not changed at all in the past 10-15 years. They all still listen to bands like Pantera, wear over-sized, faded black t-shirts, have their heads shaved on the sides, and sport clunky, cheap metallic jewelry. The girls still awkwardly pretend to be lesbians by hugging each others' blubber while making out with the unclean, pre-pubescently scrawny boys, and they all suck on cigarettes like it's 1990's France. Oh yes--you are soo different, kids; and you have been soo different for the past decade, all the while never changing. My favorite discovery of the hour had to be the leader of one small band in particular. Why, you ask? Well, he happened to be holding a plastic cup of Miller Lite. I assume they all look up to this over-the-hill twenty-something who possesses the divine ability to purchase alcohol. Personally... even if I were a goth... I would give any one immediate permission to execute me once I reached the legal age to buy liquor and still hung out at the mall with 13 year olds who wear Jnco jeans. Alas, the time for me to return to work comes forth, and a new question is arisen: who do I dislike more?.. the moronic youth with the insecure persona and rainbow suspenders, making an obnoxious scene... or the moronic youth with the arrogant nature and popped collar, psssting me from across the way? Were we just as lost at their age?

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

The Count of Monte Cristiano

Courtesy of Ananova:

Escaped prisoner was left in charge of jail

A prisoner has escaped from a small jail in Brazil after a policeman left him in charge while he popped out for lunch.

The other inmates of the prison in Mara-Canau said the policeman regularly left the prison in the hands of the prisoner, known as Cristiano.

They said the policeman, Jose Wilton de Lima, had grown to really trust the prisoner, reports Jornal da Globo.

But finally Cristiano took advantage of the the policeman's lunch break by freeing two other inmates and driving off in his police car.

Mr Lima, who has been dismissed from his job, said: "I guess I mixed up trust with freedom. I believed he had changed."

The prisoners are still at large.