Chronicles of Ennui

Tuesday, July 26, 2005


Attn: This is old news, but no less good news. Sparked by my random rememberance that David Hasselhoff is still alive and living somewhere among us. You may have won the battle for now, Hasselhoff; but the war is not yet over, my friend.

David Hasselhoff: legend. sex-symbol. unitor of East and West Germany?

According to the Knight Rider himself, he sure as hell is; and was highly disturbed to find that he has been excluded in memorials dedicated to the historical moment.

Proof that someone thinks waay too highly of himself in 5..




"I find it a bit sad that there is no photo of me hanging on the walls in the Berlin Museum at Check-Point Charlie."

Simply appalling.

Hasselhoff claims he had hand in Berlin Wall falling


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