Chronicles of Ennui

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Vote or Die

This evening I've been amusing myself by coming up with new captions for my Myspace pictures. Drawing from my own rantings on past sexual experiences, and a friend's comment, I have come up with a few slightly raunchy quips for this photo in particular:

Although I find them hi-larious (My personal reaction to every thing that comes out of my mouth), I am trying to keep in mind that many a stranger come across that site, and I don't know if I want my space to be filed under the 'dirty porn' section of So I ask you, my readers and friends who know me best of all, to decide what would be the most appropo caption to accompany this photograph; or feel free to create your own.

1) Allegedly what it looks like to have sex with me.

2) All that money spent buying drinks for me.. Was it worth it?

3) Funny story: I was getting fucked when this was taken.

4) The Not-So-Wild Sex Adventure! complimentary souvenir photo.

I like #3, personally.

FYI: I was, in fact, not having sex when this photo was taken--I took it myself... whilst I was polishing off, obviously.


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