Chronicles of Ennui

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

When Life Hands You Vibrator Jokes... Make a Blog

I bet she's got a vibrator

Today classes for Fall term began. I had Art History and Algebra (because I'm a dummy). My Algebra teacher is a 55-ish year old woman who, luckily for me, behaves like a retired commedienne. She seems like a very nice and funny lady... I was very pleased about my picking her to teach me.

So she was going over the Attendance/Tardy nonesense that I have to listen to 800 times everytime I start a new semester... and a fairly young, semi-chubby, sweet girl offered the information that her phone has certain ringtones set for if there's an emergency with her children, and that if her cell ever rang that way and she went running out of the room that it was merely because of the emergency. The kindly, aged comedienne teacher then asked the girl...

"Do you have a vibrator?"

To which the girl replied, "Yes."

...And that's when my body turned into stone.

I was frozen in the sublime humor of the situation... it was so damn funny that I couldn't even move. I couldn't laugh. I just had to sit there with my chin propped against my palm... my innards bursting with glee.

Thank god for old people who don't know technological terms.

The poor woman... she kept her composure and stayed as cool as DeNiro in 'The Godfather', but she had the same frozen expression on her face as myself... She looked like someone had just discovered her dildo.

... and the whole two and a half minutes that I was frozen in hilarity all I could think was, "So going to blog this; so going to blog this; sooo going to blog this."


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